Today I embark on a 90 day journey called the Body For Life challenge. At the end of the 90 days I could enter a contest to be a champion.

I will be judged 50% outside transformation and 50% inside transformation. In order to qualify you must register at the website.

Then you will be required to take a before picture, take your body weight and body fat percentage at least three days before day one. It is also required that you use an EAS product once during the 90 days challenge. Click the link for more information.

The plan outlined in the program requires strength training 3 times a week and a 20 minute cardio for another 3, getting one day of physical rest and a break from the diet, not that it will leave you hungry, the meal plan calls for eating 6 meals a day.

The enjoyable thing about the program is that the workouts are as much mental as they are physical. It focuses on hitting high points and breaking personal best records.

I found the Body For Life book and the journal at different second hand stores, but I'm sure you could find it online too. The journal isn't as necessary as the book is, but it helps keep track of goals and progress.

They have a Body For Life app for GooglePlay and is coming soon for the AppStore.

As far as dieting goes I'm having a hard time not wanting to stuff my face with delicious 99cent temptations, but I've made it through the day. I have one more meal to enjoy, an EAS chocolate shake.

Yes I still am drinking whole milk and I used 1 table spoon of butter and salt to cook my carb free dinner. I am only human.

So I'm going to blog about it to hold myself accountable. I can't talk about it and not back it up, you people might judge me. So enjoy the stud that is my body in all it's glory. If all goes right it should be 9% less fat and 30 pounds lighter.

230 pounds 24.1 percent body fat.

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